When I was a pre-teen the summer camp I attended took me and several unsuspecting girls to a nationally recognized sex education program called Nobody's fool. There we were provided with information to help us make smart decisions concerning sex, abstinence, puberty, dating, sexually transmitted infections and HIV. I learned a lot at Nobody's Fool. At a young age I prided myself on saving myself for marriage. I felt empowered! I was Nobody's Fool, That was until I met my first love who would become my husband. The relationship lasted 15 years. I learned that my husband was a covert Narcissist. I learned that I was very codependent. The tools I learned at Nobody's Fool prepared me for "safer sex" and  abstinence but they didn't prepare me for life with a Narcissist. They didn't help me heal all of those childhood wounds which caused me to attract my narcissistic husband.  After 12 years of marriage, I got in my car and drove over 2,000 miles to become Nobody's Supply.  Thanks for joining me on my journey of self discovery and freedom!